Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why You Feel Stress

You've heard the old saying about getting back up on the horse. It refers to the concept of confronting that which has caused you pain. It infers that if you don't get back on that horse, you will remain afraid of the horse, and possibly all horses in your future.

Let's suppose you got in a car accident and incurred some injuries, plus the hassell of dealing with body shops and rentals and insurance companies on top of that. Now you've got a painful incident attached to your life. Not necessarily something that will dramatically change your life (or it could if the injuries were severe enough, or the insurance company ruled against you, etc.), but I'll wager it was at least stressful. Further, there's a good chance you will be somewhat nervous about cars or intersections or such in the future. If you were to come across another accident sometime in the future, it could easily stir up the memory of your own accident and bring back to the forefront the pain and stress you incurred back then.

And then there's this: it's highly unlikely you've only had one or two painful experiences in your life. Big or little, traumatic or not, every time you received some sort of pain, physical or emotional, your mind stored it. And this storehouse of pain can come back on you with a vengence. Some of the common symptoms are stress, anxiety, illness, negative thinking, insecurity, self doubt, pain, and more.

And you thought it was only because of your boss!

Dianetics is the answer as to how you get back on that horse. Without it, you are doomed to carry around the pain and stress of that accident in your mind forever. Dianetics shows you exactly how and why that's harmful to you, how your mind stores these painful moments, hides some or all of them, and then how they are triggered and then create stress, physical pain, moodiness, unreasonable fears, anxiety, and more. Dianetics gets rid of the unwanted feelings, emotions, sensations, and pains.

And Dianetics works.

Find out for yourself. Read Dianetics: Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard. You will change your life!

1 comment:

  1. Good point to get up and back on the horse. Interesting how adults will make children do this to ensure they are not scarred but they don't always do it themselves.
    Why do people sometimes think they have to suffer a little?

    Anyway, it is very demonstrable how past events do effect my present and future.
    Hmmm, Dianetics.
