Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What's all the worry about?

I was talking with a woman the other day about stress. She told me her stress was that she worried all the time about her friends and family. When I asked her if there was a real reason to worry, she admitted that there was not. Everyone she worried about was fine and there were no known problems lurking around the corner for any of them. Yet, she worried.

I further inquired as to whether her level of worry was a hindrance for her or whether she could easily deal with it. After she thought about it, she said that at times it was distracting. When she was at her job, she never had attention on her friends and family. But as soon as work was over, the constant worry would start up. Yes, it was a hindrance, sometimes more than others.

Worry is a manifestation of fear. One worries because one is not sure what is going to occur in the future, whether that future is in the next few minutes or years later. It’s uncertainty. There may be a fairly logical reason for worry or fear. Perhaps the husband just lost his job and there is no current replacement. Maybe a child has been diagnosed with a serious illness. These are understandable fears, and yet sometimes, the fear itself can be an obstruction to quick and intelligent handlings, or even just a necessary tolerance of the situation until one can effectively handle it.

But what about the unreasonable fears and worries? The mother who is sure little Sara is going to get snatched by some madman the minute the child is out of her sight. Or the executive assistant who is constantly anxious that she’s going to get fired, in spite of the fact that she works hard at her job and is competent. Or the husband who secretly thinks his loving wife is going to leave him, although she’s happily married.

Where does negative thinking, self-invalidation, lack of self-esteem and personal security come from? What would happen if a person could locate the hidden, underlying root cause of these things and thereby eliminate them? And what if they could be eliminated without the use of drugs or years of talking about them without ever solving them?

Well, there is a way, and it’s called Dianetics. The author, L. Ron Hubbard, extensively researched the mind and made some astounding discoveries and actually uncovered the real, hidden source of unwanted pains, sensations, emotions and attitudes and allows a person to overcome them and rise to their full potential. By using Dianetics, a person gets rid of unnecessary stress, anguish, unreasonable fears, illogical thinking, depression, and even many physical problems that don’t resolve with medical treatment. The workability of Dianetics can be observed by anyone understanding the subject and applying it themselves,

Read the book Dianetics: Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard and discover for yourself how much happier you can be. There is no limit to your own capabilities, creativeness, intelligence and the sheer joy of living.